Collection: Saks Afridi

Saks Afridi is a Pakistani-born, NYC-based multi-disciplinary artist. His work exists in a genre he terms “Sci-Fi Sufism,” which is about discovering galaxies and worlds within yourself. Afridi visualizes this search by fusing mysticism and storytelling. He makes art objects in multiple mediums, drawing inspiration from Sufi poetry, Afrofuturism, South Asian folklore, Islamic mythology, science fiction, architecture and calligraphy.

Afridi’s art is futuristic while taking inspiration from ancient South Asian & Middle Eastern cultures. On a deeper level, his practice also investigates the predicaments and perplexities of the life of an “Insider Outsider.” He defines this as the practice of achieving a sense of belonging while being out of place, finding happiness in a state of temporary permanence, and re-contextualizing existing historical and cultural narratives with the contemporary.

Read Epicenter-NYC's feature on Afridi here.